A Hybrid Word-Character Approach to Abstractive Summarization

arXiv: Computation and Language(2018)

引用 23|浏览10
Automatic abstractive text summarization is an important and challenging research topic of natural language processing. Among many widely used languages, the Chinese language has a special property that a Chinese character contains rich information comparable to a word. Existing Chinese text summarization methods, either adopt totally character-based or word-based representations, fail to fully exploit the information carried by both representations. To accurately capture the essence of articles, we propose a hybrid word-character approach (HWC) which preserves the advantages of both word-based and character-based representations. We evaluate the advantage of the proposed HWC approach by applying it to two existing methods, and discover that it generates state-of-the-art performance with a margin of 24 ROUGE points on a widely used dataset LCSTS. In addition, we find an issue contained in the LCSTS dataset and offer a script to remove overlapping pairs (a summary and a short text) to create a clean dataset for the community. The proposed HWC approach also generates the best performance on the new, clean LCSTS dataset.
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