The entropy function of an invariant measure

arXiv: Logic(2018)

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Given a countable relational language $L$, we consider probability measures on the space of $L$-structures with underlying set $mathbb{N}$ that are invariant under the logic action. We study the growth rate of the entropy function of such a measure, defined to be the function sending $n mathbb{N}$ to the entropy of the measure induced by restrictions to $L$-structures on ${0, ldots, n-1}$. When $L$ has finitely many relation symbols, all of arity $kge 1$, and the measure has a property called non-redundance, we show that the entropy function is of the form $Cn^k+o(n^k)$, generalizing a result of Aldous and Janson. When $kge 2$, we show that there are invariant measures whose entropy functions grow arbitrarily fast in $o(n^k)$, extending a result of Hatami-Norine. For possibly infinite languages $L$, we give an explicit upper bound on the entropy functions of non-redundant invariant measures in terms of the number of relation symbols in $L$ of each arity; this implies that finite-valued entropy functions can grow arbitrarily fast.
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