Superconductivity From Repulsion: Variational Results For The Two-Dimensional Hubbard Model In The Limit Of Weak Interaction


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The two-dimensional Hubbard model is studied for small values of the interaction strength (U of the order of the hopping amplitude t), using a variational ansatz well suited for this regime. The wave function, a refined Gutzwiller ansatz, has a BCS mean-field state with d-wave symmetry as its reference state. Superconducting order is found for densities n < 1 (but not for n = 1). This resolves a discrepancy between results obtained with the functional renormalization group, which do predict superconducting order for small values of U, and numerical simulations, which did not find superconductivity for U less than or similar to 4t. Both the gap parameter and the order parameter have a domelike shape as a function of n with a maximum for n approximate to 0.8. Expectation values for the energy, the particle number, and the superconducting order parameter are calculated using a linked-cluster expansion up to second order in U. In this way large systems (millions of sites) can be readily treated and well converged results are obtained. A big size is indeed required to see that the gap becomes very small at half filling and probably tends to zero in the thermodynamic limit, whereas away from half filling a finite asymptotic limit is reached. For a lattice of a given size the order parameter becomes finite only above a minimal coupling strength U-c. This threshold value decreases steadily with increasing system size, which indicates that superconductivity exists for arbitrarily small U for an infinite system. For moderately large systems the size dependence is quite irregular, due to variations in level spacings at the Fermi energy. The fluctuations die out if the gap parameter spans several level spacings.
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