
Management Affects the Pollinator Abundance but Not the Reproductive Success of Butterfly Orchids

Plant ecology(2018)

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Management of semi-natural grasslands should be based on the requirements of plants as well as their pollinators since conditions beneficial for plants are not necessarily beneficial for their pollinators and vice versa. The factors affecting the reproductive success (fruit set) of Platanthera bifolia and Platanthera chlorantha and their pollinators in agricultural landscape and woodlands were studied. In the years 2014–2016, we observed and caught moths during the flowering period of Platanthera species (late June–mid July) in four pure P. bifolia , five pure P. chlorantha and nine mixed populations under management or no management in Estonia. We determined pollinator species richness, pollinator abundance, fruit set and visibility of Platanthera plants in each population. We found that pollinator assemblages of P. bifolia and P. chlorantha did not differ between managed and unmanaged sites. Pollinator abundance had an effect on the fruit set of P. bifolia but not on that of P. chlorantha . Presence or absence of management, visibility of plants and rarefied pollinator species richness did not affect the fruit set of either plant species. Pollinator abundance was significantly higher in unmanaged populations of both plant species but rarefied pollinator species richness was higher only in unmanaged populations of P. chlorantha . Based on our findings the recommendations for management of semi-natural grasslands are to promote larger landscape diversity for the benefit of moth abundance by leaving unmanaged patches in different parts of a grassland in different years and rotational and post-fruiting management for higher reproductive success of orchids.
Moth pollination,Orchidaceae,Platanthera,Grassland,Grazing,Mowing
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