
Real-World Treatment Patterns in Patients with Hodgkin Lymphoma (hl) Treated with Brentuximab Vedotin (bv) in the Us.


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e19019 Background: BV was associated with a 75% ORR in a single-arm trial of patients with relapsed HL. Yet real-world BV utilization data is limited. This study aimed to describe BV utilization, adverse event (AE) profile, and therapy post-BV among HL patients treated with BV in US. Methods: This was a retrospective database analysis of the Truven Health MarketScan Commercial and Medicare Database. Patients were included if they initiated BV treatment for HL between Jan 1, 2012 and Jun 30, 2014, were ≥ 18 yrs, and had ≥ 6 mos continuous enrollment before and after the 1st BV dose (index date). If two or more drugs started within 30 days, they were considered as 1 regimen. End of a therapy was defined when a new treatment was introduced or a treatment gap > 60 days or end of follow-up, whichever occurred first. Results: Among 219 patients initiated BV, 88 patients were observed with transplant (SCT), 50 patients underwent transplant before BV initiation. On average, patients were observed 2.7 yrs before and 1.1 yrs after index date. Median duration of treatment (DOT) for BV was 2.1 mos and time to next treatment (TTNT) was 4.8 mos. Over 50% of patients received therapy after BV. No dominant regimen was observed for 1L post-BV with median DOT of 1.4 mos. Conclusions: A significant percentage of patients experienced AEs associated with BV and received treatment after BV. DOT and TTNT were short for BV and 1L post-BV, suggesting short duration of response. Findings underscore the unmet medical need for rrHL patients. Total (N = 219) SCT (N = 88) * % % Age, yrs Median (Range) 46 (18-87) 40 (19-70) BV # BV cycles Mean (Sd) 5.5 (4.5) 5.1 (3.9) Median 4.0 4.0 DOT, Mos Mean (Sd) 3.0 (3.3) 2.6 (2.6) Median 2.1 2.1 TTNT, Mos Mean (Sd) 6.7 (5.7) 5.5 (5.6) Median 4.8 3.7 Top AEs Nausea 74.4 77.3 Anemia 41.6 35.2 Dyspnea 29.7 22.7 Neutropenia 27.4 28.4 Fatigue 25.6 25.0 Pyrexia 24.7 26.1 Pneumonia 23.7 22.7 Peripheral neuropathy 21.5 21.6 First line (1L) post-BV Therapy by modality Systemic therapy (ST) only 32.4 33.0 Radiation (RT) only 12.3 11.4 SCT /+ST/+RT 11.0 27.3 ST+RT 2.7 3.4 No therapy / Other 41.5 25.0 DOT for 1L ST post-BV, Mos Mean (Sd) 2.4 (3.2) 2.1 (2.6) Median 1.4 1.6 *SCT occurred outside the observation period was not captured
Hodgkin's Lymphoma
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