
Ultra Pirineu 2017: Characteristics of elite and non-elite runners and effects on health of a mountain marathon: Serialmed-UP pilot study

Joan Carles Trullàs,Emma Roca, Albert Guillermo, Llorenç Bové, Jordi Gibert

Apunts. Medicina de l'Esport(2018)

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espanolIntroduccion.Incremento del numero de participantes en carreras de larga distancia, asi como el interes por conocer sus efectos sobre la salud. El objetivo principal es analizar las caracteristicas de los corredores de una maraton de montana, sus efectos sobre la salud y si existen diferecias entre los corredores de elite y de no elite. Metodos. El estudio Serialmed-UP es un estudio piloto, observacional, de cohortes prospectivo que se realizo en la Maraton Ultra Pirineu 2017. Se realizo una encuesta sobre habitos de salud, alimentarios y de entrenamiento a los corredores de no elite. Se midieron las variables clinicas y analiticas antes y despues de la carrera. Se realizo un estudio descriptivo y comparativo entre resultados antes y despues de la carrera entre corredores de elite y de no elite. Resultados. Participaron 29 corredores, 22 de no elite y 7 de elite. Los de no elite son principalmente varones de mediana edad de 39 anos, con buena salud cardiovascular (el 90,9% con revisiones medicas recientes), con alta carga de entrenamientos (asesoramiento profesional en el 72,7%) y buenos habitos alimentarios (asesoramiento en el 54,5%). Antes de la carrera no habia alteraciones clinicas ni analiticas, pero el 33,3% presentaban alteraciones en el ECG. Los hallazgos mas destacables post-carrera fueron perdida de peso (3% del peso corporal), insuficiencia renal aguda (66,7%) y alteraciones en el sodio (44%), fueron mas significativos en los corredores de no elite. Conclusiones.Las carreras de larga distancia tienen repercusion en la salud de los corredores, sobre todo en los de no elite. Es necesario realizar mas investigaciones para poder aportar recomendaciones personalizadas basadas en la evidencia cientifica. EnglishIntroduction. There is an increase in the number of participants in long distance races as well as the interest in knowing their effects on health. Our main objective is to analyse the characteristics of mountain marathon runner, its effects on health and whether there are differences between elite and non-elite runners. Methods. The Serialmed-UP is a pilot, observational (cohort) prospective study carried out at the Ultra Pirineu Marathon 2017. A survey of health, nutrition and training habits was carried out among non-elite runners. Clinical and analytical variables were measured before and after the race. A descriptive and comparative study was performed between results before and after the race and among elite and non-elite runners. Results. 29 runners participated in the study, 22 non-elite and 7 elite. The non-elite were mostly men with a median age of 39 years-old, with good cardiovascular health (90.9% with recent medical check-ups), with a high load of training (professional counselling in 72.7%) and good eating habits (counselling in 54.5%). Before the race, there were no clinical or analytical alterations but 33.3% had alterations in the ECG. The most notable findings after the race were weight loss (3% of body weight), acute renal failure (66.7%) and alterations in sodium (44%), being these alterations more significant in non-elite runners. Conclusions. Long distance races have an impact on runners’ health, especially among non-elite runners. We need more research in order to offer personalised recommendations based on scientific evidence.
Running,Physical endurance,Exercise
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