
Foraminiferal Evidence of Basin Submergence in Part of Sundarban Mangrove Delta, India

Sachin Kumar Tripathi,Debasis Sengupta,Resmi Sathikumar, Satyendra Baraik, Amitava Lahiri

Arabian journal of geosciences(2018)

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Sundarban is a largest mangrove forest delta developed along the NE-SW direction covering parts of India and Bangladesh. Little work has been done on Indian part of Sundarban in respect of heterogeneity in channel morphology which could be mostly due to the effect of tilting and basin subsidence. These changes might have played a major role on development of high marshes, which offers a congenial environment for survival of Haplophragmoides wilberti, Jadammina macrescens, Trochammina inflata, and Miliammina fusca. These marsh benthonic foraminiferal assemblages provide a direct evidence of recent past sea level changes. To establish the depositional pattern and their effects rendered by merciless changing environment, 11 pit sections have been excavated along three E-W transects from Indian Sundarban. Depth of these pit sections varies from 2 to 3m. Generally, top 20cm sediment (in pit section W-1 to W-11) deposited under the intertidal environment, as indicated by the presence of Ammonia tepida. However, sediment below 20cm in some of the pit sections (W-3 and W-5) exhibits fresh water signatures as indicated by the presence of Charophytes algae. In other pit sections (W-1, W-2, W-6, W-7, W-8, W-9 and W-11), the intertidal assemblage is noticed just above the upper marshes assemblage and vice versa, signifying that depositional environment is in proximity to the mangrove dominated area as indicated by the presence of marsh benthonic foraminiferal assemblage containing T. inflata, H. wilberti, Haplophragmoides sp., J. macrescens and M. fusca. Bottom sediment in most of the pit sections from south to north have different depositional environment with alternate presence of intertidal to subtidal faunal assemblages. The peculiar presence of intertidal assemblage above the upper marshes assemblages in recent sediment points towards the theory of submergence due to relative rise in the sea level. But the effect of relative sea level rise is not uniform throughout the area because of differential subsidence due to varied rate of sediment supply (0.5 to 3.3cm/year) and eastward tilting of the basin. Based on the upper marshes benthonic foraminiferal assemblage and radiocarbon age (in W-1 at 100cm 150years age), the average subsidence rate as recorded is approximately 0.3 to 0.5cm/year. Hence, such depositional sequence conjectures that the Indian part of Sundarban is undergoing a phase of submergence concomitant to basin subsidence.
Marsh,Intertidal,Subtidal,Relative sea level rise,Submergence and subsidence
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