
Enhanced Shock Scattering Histotripsy with Pseudo-Monopolar Ultrasound Pulses

IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics and frequency control/IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control(2019)

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Shock scattering histotripsy involves a complex interaction between positive and negative phases of an acoustic burst to initiate a robust cavitation bubble cloud. To more precisely study these effects and optimize shock scattering histotripsy therapy, we constructed a frequency compounding transducer to generate pseudomonopolar ultrasound pulses. The transducer consisted of 113 individual piezoelectric elements with various resonant frequencies (250 kHz, 500 kHz, 750 kHz, 1 MHz, 1.5 MHz, 2 MHz, and 3 MHz). For each resonant frequency, an extremely short pulse could be generated. Pseudomonopolar peak positive pulses were generated by aligning the principal peak positive pressures of individual frequency components temporally, so that they added constructively, and destructive interference occurred outside the peak-positive-overlapped temporal window. After inverting the polarity of the excitation signals, pseudomonopolar peak negative pulses were generated similarly by aligning principal peak negative pressures. Decoupling the positive and negative acoustic phases could have significant advantages for therapeutic applications enhancing precision and avoiding cavitation at tissue interfaces by using mostly positive pressure pulses. For example, we show that 16 shock scattering bubble clouds can be generated using only peak positive pulses following a single peak negative pulse that initiates a pressure release "seed cloud" from which the first shock front is "scattered." Subsequent positive only pulses result in a precise elongated lesion within red blood cell phantoms.
Cavitation,frequency compounding,histotripsy,shock scattering
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