
EP08.03: The first trimester fetal ventricular system: validating three-dimensional ultrasonography with embryology: Electronic Poster Abstracts

Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology(2018)

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Although images of the brain can be obtained in early pregnancy, interpretation is hampered by an appropriate reference standard. We aim to validate the three-dimensional (3D) ultrasonographic appearances of the ventricular system (VS) from 8-11 weeks using embryological expertise and 3D embryological models (3D Atlas of Human Embryology) as a gold standard. Weekly ultrasound (US) examinations were performed on 14 patients from 8-11 weeks gestation. Following a routine two-dimensional (2D) US, 3D volumes were acquired and interrogated with Crystal Vue and Realistic Vue™ software (Samsung WS80A Elite). Collaborative work with embryologists who have created digitally reconstructed 3D embryo models from annotated histological slides (Carnegie Stage (CS) 7-23) was undertaken to validate identification of structures seen on 3D images of the VS. The VS was reliably visualised using 3DUS with rendering software as early as 8 weeks gestation, which was not possible with 2DUS alone. Furthermore, the changing shape and appearance of the VS in 3D could be validated with gestation-matched embryo models and the anatomy further verified by cross-referencing with histological slides. The VS is difficult to examine in the first trimester with standard 2DUS. 3DUS with appropriate rendering enables novel visualisation of the VS, which we have validated with embryo models. We aim to create a reference standard for ultrasonographic fetal anatomy which may enable more detailed assessment, and detection of anomalies much earlier in pregnancy. Supporting information can be found in the online version of this abstract Please note: The publisher is not responsible for the content or functionality of any supporting information supplied by the authors. Any queries (other than missing content) should be directed to the corresponding author for the article.
Trisomy Detection,Fetal MRI,Neurosonography,Fetal DNA Analysis
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