
Fabrication and Identification of the Efficiency of a Si-Based Solar Cell

Industrial engineering(2018)

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This research represents the fabrication and characterization of a solar cell which is based on a thin p-type silicon (Si) wafer.Solar cells are the basic building blocks of Solar Panels or Modules.There are presently nine companies manufacturing solar modules in the country.Nowadays a large amount of electricity comes from solar cell.The total demand for solar cells in assembling solar modules of the nine companies are about 80-90MWp annually.Mainly, cost of solar cell depends on the Brand, type of crystal structure (Mono or Multi) and the shape or size of wafer.For the first time in the country, 'Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission (BAEC)' has set up a laboratory to fabricate crystalline solar cells on a pilot basis.The method used to fabricate solar cells is the low-cost diffusion technique using POCl 3 gas source.Several solar cells of 150×150 mm 2 sizes and 200 micrometer thick are produced and characterized in the laboratory.A p-type silicon wafer is cleaned and textured to make its surface pyramid shape for absorbing more sunlight.The p-n junction used in Si-based solar cell is created after applying diffusion technique using Phosphorus-oxy-try chloride (POCl 3 ) within the silicon wafer and putting Aluminum (Al) paste on one side of the wafer.Perfectly texturing ensures the excellent pyramid height of the silicon wafers.The pyramid heights of raw, textured and doped wafers are 8233.2Å, 15222.5 Å and 55654.1 Å respectively.The pyramid surface shows the increasing light absorption by the solar cell that can lead to an increase in conversion efficiency of the device.The efficiency of the produced solar cell is 3.3%.The results have shown that some challenges and good opportunities in getting the high-efficient and cost effective solar cells.If the cost effective technology can be made familiar in Bangladesh then it will help in solving the power crisis in the country a great deal.
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