
Topology of TROL Protein in Thylakoid Membranes of Arabidopsis Thaliana

Physiologia plantarum(2019)

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Thylakoid rhodanase-like protein (TROL) is a nuclear-encoded protein of thylakoid membranes required for tethering of ferredoxin:nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) oxydoreductase (FNR). It has been proposed that the dynamic interaction of TROL with flavoenzyme FNR, influenced by environmental light conditions, regulates the fate of photosynthetic electrons, directing them either to NADPH synthesis or to other acceptors, including reactive oxygen species detoxification pathways. Inside the chloroplasts, TROL has a dual localization: an inner membrane precursor form and a thylakoid membrane mature form, which has been confirmed by several large-scale chloroplast proteomics studies, as well as protein import experiments. Unlike the localization, the topology of TROL in the membranes, which is a prerequisite for further studies of its properties and function, has not been experimentally confirmed yet. Thermolysin was proven to be a valuable protease to probe the surface of chloroplasts and membranes in general. By treating the total chloroplast membranes using increasing protease concentration, sequential degradation of TROL was observed, indicating protected polypeptides of TROL and possible domain orientation. To further substantiate the obtained results, TROL-overexpressing Arabidopsis line (OX) and line in which the central rhodanase-like domain (RHO) has been partially deleted (ΔRHO), were used as well. While OX line showed the same degradation pattern of TROL as the wild-type, surprisingly, TROL from ΔRHO membranes was not detectable even at the lowest protease concentration applied, indicating the importance of this domain to the integrity of TROL. In conclusion, TROL is a polytopic protein with a stroma-exposed C-terminal FNR-binding region, and the thylakoid lumen-located RHO domain.
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