
Поддержание CD4+ центральных и эффекторных клеток памяти в норме и в модели воспаления in vitro

Е. А. Блинова,А. В. Колерова, В. Е. Балясников, В. А. Козлов

Medical Immunology(2020)

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IL-7 is a key factor for the survival and maintenance of CD4 + central (Tcm) and effector (Tem) memory cells in the whole body. In many autoimmune diseases, an elevated level of IL-7 is detected in blood serum and at the site of inflammation, thus suggesting participation of this homeostatic factor in the survival of memory T cells, including auto-reactive clones, in inflammatory disorders. The aim of the study was to investigate the mechanisms of maintaining CD4 + memory T cells under normal and inflammatory conditions. We developed an in vitro model of inflammation, based on induction of pro-inflammatory cytokines, and then evaluated the effects of IL-7 upon purified sorted populations of CD4 + Tcm and Tem under normal conditions and in vitro inflammatory model. IL-7 treatment promoted maintenance of CD4 + Tcm phenotype in all variants of cultures. In the absence of contact with adherent cell fraction, the IL-7-induced proliferation of Tcm and Tem was slightly reduced, both under normal and inflammatory conditions, thus suggesting low sensitivity of memory T cells to contacts with MHC, and, probably, a requirement for additional signals to provide complete stimulation with IL-7. The last suggestion is also supported by data about CD127 and CD132 expression, i.e., in the absence of contact with MHC, the proportion of CD127 + CD132 + cells was decreased in both subpopulations of CD4+ memory cells. Upon in vitro cultures, IL-7 contributed to decreased expression of CD127, and increased expression of CD132 on CD4 + Tcm and Tem. We have evaluated the CD4 + Tcm and Tem populations by affinity of T cell receptor (TCR), using the level of CD5 expression. Т cells with high TCR affinity for self-antigens are known to have higher expression of CD5. In comparison to Tem, the Tcm contained more CD5 high cells. In cultures, IL-7 promoted a high level of CD5 expression on Tcm, which was comparable to levels observed in peripheral blood cells. High CD5 expression on Tem was observed after stimulation with IL-7 in the in vitro inflammatory model. In the absence of contact with MHC, the number of CD5high cells decreased among CD4 + Tem and Tcm. Thus, CD4 + Tcm cells with high affinity for autologous antigens are probably dependent on the presence of homeostatic factors, in particular, IL-7, and contacts with antigen-presenting cells (APCs). Under conditions of inflammation, no changes were revealed in the mechanism of maintaining CD4 + Tcm, in contrast to CD4 + Tem. Being less dependent on IL-7 under normal conditions, CD4 + CD5 high Tem are accumulated in the presence of IL-7 under in vitro inflammatory conditions.
effector memory cells,cd4+,vitro
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