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Baboon Vaginal Microbial Flora

Journal of medical primatology(2016)

Cited 5|Views12
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Background Knowledge of the composition of vaginal microbial ecosystem is essential for understanding the etiology, prevention, and treatment of vaginal diseases. A baboon model has been used to provide detailed understanding of reproductive physiology and immunology applicable to women. However, little is known about the composition of its vaginal microbial ecosystem.Methods Gram stain and Nugent scores were used for assessment of baboon vaginal microbial flora. Biochemical identification and analysis of isolates were performed using the API (R) kits and identification software.Results Species of Lactobacilli, Staphylococci, Clostridia, Bacilli, Corynebacteria, Gram-negative rods, other Gram-positive rods, cocci and Candida, were isolated. Healthy vaginal microbiota consisted mainly of lactobacillus morphotypes. Animals with high Nugent scores had increased number of Gram-positive cocci and variable rods, with increased number of Gram-negative morphotypes.Conclusions The baboon vaginal microbiota is heterogeneous in terms of species composition and is typified by a scarcity of lactobacilli.
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Key words
bacteria,cultulre,non-human primates,Papio anubis,reproductive tract
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