[Minor traumatology in children].

Fleur Lorton,Jeanne Simon-Pimmel, Bénédicte Vrignaud

La Revue du praticien(2015)

引用 23|浏览9
Small injuries in children are a very common reason of consultation in emergency departments or in primary care. Most of them could be managed in ambulatory care, with the precondition of knowing the diagnostic red flags, which require a specialised advice or hospital surveillance. Minor head traumas are managed according to a clinical decision rule, that identify children with a very low risk of intracranial injury, who do not need head CT scan nor hospital surveillance. Small bounds can be managed in ambulatory care if they are not located in risk areas and if the child is compliant. Bites are at risk of septic complication, or organic complication due to their potential depth, requiring a hospital care most of the time. Burns are still very common, causing significant morbidity in terms of aesthetic and functional disabilities. First aid or care is essential, as well as evaluating the severity of the burn to identify children who need to be referred to a specialist. Managing childhood fractures, considered most of the time as benign, requires knowing particular features depending on the age of the child, in order to appropriately diagnose, treat and follow the fracture.
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