
Three Dimensional Metrology Inside A Vacuum Chamber

Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering/Proceedings of SPIE(2016)

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Several three dimensional coordinates systems are proposed by companies to provide accurate measurement of mechanical parts in a volume. None of them are designed to perform the metrology of a system in a vacuum chamber. In the frame of the test of NISP instrument from ESA Euclid mission, the question was raised to perform a three dimensional measurement of different parts during the thermal test of NISP instrument into ERIOS chamber done at Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille (LAM). One of the main objectives of the test campaign will be the measurement of the focus position of NISP image plane with respect to the EUCLID object plane to ensure a good focalisation of NISP instrument after integration on the payload. A Metrology Verification System (MVS) has been proposed. Its goal is to provide at operational temperature the measurement of references frames set on a EUCLID telescope simulator and NISP, the knowledge of the coordinates of the object point source provided by the telescope simulator and the measurement of the angle between the telescope simulator optical axis and NISP optical axis. The MVS concept is based on the use of a laser tracker, outside the vacuum chamber, that measures reflectors inside the vacuum chamber through a curved window. We will present preliminary results that show the possibility to perform this type of measurements and the accuracy reached in this configuration. An analysis of the contributors to the measurement error budget of the MVS is proposed, based on the current knowledge of the MVS performance and constraints during the TB/TV tests.
3D metrology,vacuum,cryogenics,curved window,laser tracker
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