
Tobacco User Characteristics and Outcomes Related to Intensity of Quitline Program Use: Results from Minnesota and Pennsylvania

Journal of public health management and practice(2016)

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Context: Tobacco users in all 50 states have access to quitline telephone counseling and cessation medications. While studies show multiple calls relate to quit success, most participants do not complete a full call series. To date, quitline program use studies have analyzed single factors-such as number of calls or counseling minutes. Objective: This study combines multiple factors of quitline program use across 2 states to describe how participants use a 5-call program; assess whether intensity of program use is associated with participant subgroups; and assess whether key outcomes (quitting, satisfaction) are associated with intensity. Design, Setting, and Participants: This observational study examines data for quitline participants in Minnesota (n = 2844) and Pennsylvania (n = 14 359) in 2011 and 2012. A subset of participants was surveyed 7 months after registration to assess key outcomes (response rates: Minnesota 65%; Pennsylvania 60%). Main Outcome Measures: Quitline utilization data were used to identify program use variables: nicotine replacement therapy provision, number of counseling calls, number of counseling minutes, days from first to last counseling call, and days from registration to first counseling call. Ten program use groups were created using all 5 program use variables, from lowest (1) to highest (10) intensity. Results: Results were similar for both states. Only 11% of Minnesota and 8% of Pennsylvania participants completed all 5 calls. Intensity of quitline program use was associated with several participant characteristics including health conditions and age. Both quit status and program satisfaction were associated with program use intensity. Quit rates peaked in group 9, participants who received the full 5-call program. Conclusions: Quitlines should focus on engaging participants in multiple calls to improve quit outcomes. In addition, it is important to leverage multiple program use factors for a fuller understanding of how quitline participants use a program.
cessation,evaluation,program use,tobacco quitlines
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