
Nmr-Based Metabolomics to Study the Cold-Acclimation Strategy of Two Miscanthus Genotypes

Phytochemical analysis(2016)

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IntroductionAbiotic stress is a major cause of yield loss in plant culture. Miscanthus, a perennial C4 grass, is now considered a major source of renewable energy, especially for biofuel production. During the first year of planting in Northern Europe, Miscanthus was exposed to frost temperature, which generated high mortality in young plants and large loss of yield. One strategy to avoid such loss is to apply cold-acclimation, which confers on plants a better resistance to low temperature.ObjectivesThe aim of this study is to describe the effect of a cold-acclimation period on the metabolome of two Miscanthus genotypes that vary in their frost sensitivity at the juvenile stage. Miscanthus x giganteus (GIG) is particularly sensitive to frost, whereas Miscanthus sinensis August Feder (AUG) is tolerant.Materials and methodsPolar metabolite extraction was performed on Miscanthus, grown in non-acclimated or cold-acclimated conditions. Extracts were analysed by H-1-NMR followed by multivariate statistical analysis. Discriminant metabolites were identified.ResultsMore than 40 metabolites were identified in the two Miscanthus genotypes. GIG and AUG showed a different metabolic background before cold treatment, probably related to their genetic background. After cold-acclimation, GIG and AUG metabolomes remained different. The tolerant genotype showed notably higher levels of accumulation in proline, sucrose and maltose when subjected to cold.ConclusionThese two genotypes seem to have a different adaptation strategy in cold conditions. The studied change in the metabolome concerns different types of molecules related to the cold-tolerant behaviour of Miscanthus. Copyright (c) 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Cold stress is a major cause of yield loss in plant culture. One strategy to avoid this is to apply a cold-acclimation period, which confers on plants a better resistance to low temperature. This study describes the effect of a cold-acclimation period on the metabolome of two Miscanthus genotypes with different sensitivities to cold. They had a different metabolic background before treatment and their metabolomes remained different after cold-acclimation.
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