
Restoration of Steppic Sandy Grassland Using Deep-Sand Deposition, Inoculation with Plant Material and Grazirig: A 10-Year Study

Christian Storm, Carsten Eichberg, Michael Stroh, Angelika Schwabe


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Inland sand vegetation, in our case steppic sandy grassland on base-rich soils, is highly endangered in Europe and therefore in the focus of restoration ecology. While there are studies which deal with short-term restoration success, results for an extended time are rare. We were able to analyse the success of a three-step restoration measure for 10 years.The experiment was established on an ex-arable field in the Upper Rhine valley, Hesse, Germany. The three-step restoration approach comprised 1) abiotic restoration by deep-sand deposition, 2) inoculation with raked/mown plant material from two different donor sites with well-developed Koelerion glaucae/Allio-Stipetum vegetation and 3) low-intensity grazing by donkeys. The vegetation of the restoration and donor sites (also serving as reference sites to assess restoration success) was sampled on six permanent plots, respectively. Data analyses included ordination, classification and target-species ratios (TSR: relation of target species to all species).Detrended correspondence analysis revealed a continuous succession of the restoration plots towards the corresponding reference plots: open soil decreased, ruderal species declined and target species increased. While speed of succession decreased, there was still a further improvement in the tenth year. The qualitative TSR (number of target species) reached a plateau after the sixth year with values only slightly lower than at the reference sites. The quantitative TSR (cover of target species) showed a steady improvement and even excelled one reference site. Koelerion glaucae species were present with constancy 17-67% since the 3rd year, with 33-100% since the 7th year. It does not completely fesemble either reference site due to a mixture of propagules of both donor sites (e.g. by wind and donkeys) and input from the surroundings. Already in the first year, three Red-list species established themselves, since the 8th year 23 Red-list/near-threatened species have been present. Some ruderal species colonised the restoration site and occurred permanently.Additionally, we studied the establishment of the highly threatened species Bassia laniflora after inoculation for 6-12 years on three further plots adjacent to the other ones. One of these plots was located on a former sandy field without abiotic restoration; two other plots represented typical Koelerion glaucae vegetation on a newer deep-sand deposition. Bassia laniflora established itself well on all plots.We conclude that restoration of steppic sandy grassland, including highly threatened species, was not only permanently, but increasingly successful over a time span of 10 years. Management by grazing, however, will remain essential to suppress ruderalisation.
abiotic restoration,Allio-Stipetum,Bassia laniflora,donkey grazing,Koelerion glaucae,ordination,Red-list species,seed transfer,succession,target species
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