
Severe Gastric Mycormycosis Infection Followed by Cytomegalovirus Pneumonia in a Renal Transplant Recipient: A Case Report and Concise Review of the Literature.

H Peng, J Xiao, H Wan, J Shi,J Li

Transplantation proceedings(2019)

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Mucormycosis is an uncommonly encountered fungal infection in solid-organ transplantation, occurring most often gastrointestinally. The most common and fatal infectious disease is cytomegalovirus (CMV) pneumonia, which may result in acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), with rapid onset. Early diagnosis, active treatment, and rational reduction of immunosuppressants are crucial for successful kidney transplantation. We performed successful treatment for both mucormycosis and CMV pneumonia and adjusted the tacrolimus dose accordingly. The case we describe was that of a 47-year-old woman with history of renal transplantation 1 month earlier. She presented with chest pain and gastrointestinal bleeding and was diagnosed with gastric mucormycosis and a secondary episode of hospital-acquired pneumonia. Preemptive therapy, which included liposomal amphotericin B and posaconazole, was adminstered when voriconazole proved to be unhelpful and before histologic reports of gastric mucormycosis. Moreover, CMV re-activation was confirmed by CMV antibody detection, and we administered gancyclovir and thymosin α1 but reduced the strength of the immunosuppressive drugs. Fourteen days after the aforementioned therapy, the patient began to recover and she was discharged on day 81 postoperatively. We conclude that preemptive treatment is critical for severe infection in renal transplant recipients, especially with the rarely seen gastric mucormycosis and with ARDS. In addition, immunoregulated agents, such as asthymosin α1, are also of great value in renal transplant recipients in the setting of opportunistic pathogen infections.
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