Engineered endomorphin-2 gene: A novel therapy for improving morphine reinstatement in CPP model of rats by using deficient adenovirus as the vector.

Biochemical and biophysical research communications(2019)

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Optimal therapeutics to deal with high relapse rates when discontinued is urgent for opioid dependence treatments. Endogenous endomorphin-2 (EM2) level in the central nervous system (CNS) down-regulates obviously after sustained morphine exposure, which suggested that to up-regulate the EM2 level could be a novel method for reinstatement. But the clinical applications of EM2 through conventional administration are limited owing to its short half-life. In our study, we engineered an EM2 gene to achieve the sustained release of EM-2 in CNS by utilizing a signal peptide of mouse growth factor for out-secreting EM2 and a deficient adenovirus as the vector. By intrathecally injecting engineering EM2 gene, a sustained increase of EM2 concentration in the cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) was observed along with a reduction of CPP scores. Also, the activation of astrocytes was suppressed in the hippocampus. In summary, this study provides evidence and reference for using intraspinal gene therapy with a combination of mouse growth factor and EM2 to treat morphine reinstatement.
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