
Children Overdue for Immunisation: a Question of Coverage or Reporting? an Audit of the Australian Immunisation Register.

Charlee Law, Rhydwyn McGuire,Mark J. Ferson, Su Reid,Colleen Gately,Jody Stephenson,Sue Campbell-Lloyd, Salwa Gabriel,Tambri Housen,Vicky Sheppeard,Paul Corben,David N. Durrheim, Lisa Allchin, Katie Anagnostou, Sue Botham, David Boucher, Sophie Carey, Hayley Carra, Kwendy Cavanagh, Trisha Collins, Rachelle Deaker, Michelle Dives, Bridget Doyle, Michelle Ferguson-Hannah, Linda Granger, Sheila Hamm, Wendy Holmes, Essi Huhtinen, Andrew Ingleton, Jane Jelfs, Emily Keighran, Judith Kennedy, Liz Kirk, Julie McLean, Dee McNamara, Jackie Milsom, Amy Nicholson, Clare Pearson, Juhel Pritchard, Tania Simpson, Angela Shirlaw, Jane Thomas, Marianne Trent, John Turahui, Natasa Veselinovic, Cheryl Wasley, Kristie Waters, Jennifer Wedd, Robert Whybrow

Australian and New Zealand journal of public health(2019)

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Objective: Vaccinations in Australia are reportable to the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR). Following major immunisation policy initiatives, the New South Wales (NSW) Public Health Network undertook an audit to estimate true immunisation coverage of NSW children at one year of age, and explore reasons associated with under-reporting. Methods: Cross-sectional survey examining AIR immunisation records of a stratified random sample of 491 NSW children aged 12 <= 15 months at 30 September 2017 who were >30 days overdue for immunisation. Survey data were analysed using population weights. Results: Estimated true coverage of fully vaccinated one-year-old children in NSW is 96.2% (CI:95.9-96.4), 2.1% higher than AIR reported coverage of 94.1%. Of the children reported as overdue on AIR, 34.9% (CI:30.9-38.9) were actually fully vaccinated. No significant association was found between under-reporting and socioeconomic status, rurality or reported local coverage level. Data errors in AIR uploading (at provider level) and duplicate records contributed to incorrect AIR coverage recording. Conclusions: Despite incentives to record childhood vaccinations on AIR, under-reporting continues to be an important contributor to underestimation of true coverage in NSW.
immunisation,immunisation schedule,infant,public health practice,communicable diseases
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