
Interpreting and Acting on the PRO Scores From the Patient-reported Outcomes for Personalized Treatment and Care (PROMPT-Care) eHealth System.


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Introduction: Patient-reported Outcomes for Personalized Treatment and Care (PROMPT-Care) is the first eHealth system in Australia that is fully electronically integrated into hospital oncology information systems, enabling real-time, routine collection of patient-reported outcomes (PROs) to support and enable cancer patients to achieve and maintain improved health, well-being, and cancer outcomes. Five previously published papers detail the impetus for developing this eHealth system, its development, and testing of its acceptability and feasibility, the development of algorithms to standardize the cancer care pathways which underpin patient care, and the protocol for evaluating the efficacy of PROMPT-Care. Methods: This manuscript provides "how-to" guidance to inform future system development, focusing on selecting relevant PROs and measuring them in cancer patients, score interpretation, and determining recommended care in response to scores which are above the predetermined threshold. Discussion: Electronic PRO systems are increasingly used in cancer clinical care settings, with the potential to support timely patient-centered care when implemented appropriately. Key Points: PRO selection should consider patient response burden, and prioritizing PROs that are amenable to clinical intervention. Having clear, evidence-based, care pathways, and actionable recommendations in response to above-threshold PRO scores facilitate PRO integration into the clinical workflow. Centers should determine thresholds for clinical action for each PRO which provide an acceptable balance between false positives and false negatives; and develop care pathway recommendations which consider the availability of local services and resources, are feasible in the clinical setting, clear, concise, manageable, based on evidence-based guidelines, and adaptable to local environments.
patient-reported outcomes (PROs),PROMPT-Care,eHealth,electronic health record
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