
Forced hot-air treatment against Bactrocera papayae (Diptera: Tephritidae) in papaya

Applied Entomology and Zoology(2017)

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The Asian papaya fruit fly, Bactrocera papayae Drew and Hancock, was treated with hot-water immersion and forced hot air to develop a phytosanitary heat treatment schedule. Hot-water immersion tests were conducted with 12- and 24-h-old eggs and with first and third instar larvae to compare the relative thermotolerances of this fruit fly among these life stages. The 24-h-old eggs, the most thermotolerant among the four life stages tested, were subjected to time and temperature tests using cage-infested papaya fruits in a forced hot-air chamber. Heating the papayas to a minimum core temperature of 47.7 °C (95% confidence interval 47.2–48.3 °C) was estimated to induce probit-nine mortality based on a probit analysis of the data. Confirmatory tests in which papayas infested with 24-h-old eggs were heated to a minimum fruit core temperature of 47.2 °C that was maintained for 0–30 min followed by hydrocooling to a fruit core temperature of ≈25 °C resulted in the complete mortality of an estimated treated population of 43,425 eggs aged 24 h (99.9931% mortality at the 95% confidence level). Therefore, heating the papaya fruits to a core temperature of 47.2 °C for a minimum dwell time of 30 min, which was the longest dwell time in the confirmatory tests, may serve as a phytosanitary heat treatment schedule for the control of B. papayae in papaya fruits.
Asian papaya fruit fly,Thermal death kinetics,Probit-nine mortality,Phytosanitary treatment,Pest
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