Necrotizing fasciitis and meningitis due to Streptococcus pneumoniae serotype 9 N: a case report

Nichlas Hovmand,Sarah Byberg, Morten Bo Larsen,Daria Podlekareva,David Levarett Buck, Birgitte Rønde Hansen

BMC Infectious Diseases(2019)

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Background Necrotizing fasciitis is a deep infection of the fascia and subcutaneous tissue with a high mortality rate. Meningitis is an infection of the membranes surrounding the brain with a likewise high mortality rate. Streptococcus pneumoniae is the most frequent cause of bacterial meningitis and it is an extremely rare cause of necrotizing fasciitis. Different subcapsular serotypes of S. pneumoniae are known to have diverse virulence. The serotype 9 N is associated with a high risk of death. Case presentation We report a case of a previously healthy 68-year-old female who presented at our clinic with complaints of pain in her left calf since having experienced a very painful leg cramp 3 weeks prior. Within a few hours after admission, she developed fever, neck stiffness and an altered mental state. Concurrently, the pain in her leg worsened. Upon further examination it was found that she suffered from both meningitis and necrotizing fasciitis due to S. pneumoniae , serotype 9 N. The patient survived and avoided leg amputation. Conclusions The patient suffered from two very lethal infections simultaneously. Both of them were caused by S. pneumoniae . We believe that her favorable outcome was, a result of prompt surgical intervention and appropriate antibiotic treatment. Our case underlines the importance of continuous reevaluation of the symptoms and clinical findings in patients with unclear causes of severe illness, especially if the patient’s condition changes.
Necrotizing fasciitis, Meningitis, Streptococcus pneumoniae , Infection
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