The effect of SpeechEasy ® on attitudes, emotions and coping behaviors. Outcomes of short time usage

Revista de Logopedia, Foniatría y Audiología(2016)

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This study investigated the effect of SpeechEasy® on attitudes, emotions and coping behaviors after a short period of usage. Nine individuals who stutter were fitted with the SpeechEasy® and used the device for at least 4h/day during a period of less than 2 months. Before and after this period spontaneous speech samples were collected and attitudes, emotions and coping behaviors were assessed by means of the Behavior Assessment Battery (Brutten & Vanryckeghem, 2003b) and the adult form of the Communication Attitude Test (Vanryckeghem & Brutten, 2011). Results indicate that after a short time using the SpeechEasy® some people who stutter may to some extent show an amelioration of the negative attitudes, emotions and coping behaviors that usually accompany the stuttering. However, self-reported changes in attitudes, emotions and coping behaviors do not necessarily reflect objective fluency scores and there seems to be considerable individual variation in reaction the SpeechEasy®.
Stuttering,SpeechEasy®,Attitudes,Emotions,Coping behaviors
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