Clinical Response To Anti-Mmp9 Antibody (Gs-5745) Is Accompanied By Histologic Improvement In Ulcerative Colitis


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and mean number of serologic analyses 2.4 (range 2-15).The prevalence of any positive serology at first serologic analysis was 44.1%.ACCA and AMCA were the most prevalent (20.8% and 23.4%, respectively), whereas ALCA and ASCA, prevalence was 11.7% and 7.8%, respectively.The serologic status (positive vs. negative) did not change significantly during follow up.Levels AMCA and ASCA did not change significantly (76.3 and 19.4 vs.78.2 and 21.6, at first vs. last assessments, respectively).However, the levels of ACCA and ALCA were modestly changed [median (iqr) -9.12 (-29.5-5.5),p=0.001] and [median (iqr) 3.8 (-3.4-15.1),p=0.007], respectively.After correction to follow-up duration, ACCA levels decreased by an average of 1.27 IU/month [CI -2.35-(-0.2),p=0.02] and ALCA levels increased by an average of 0.5 IU/month (CI 0.1-1.06,p=0.02).In further subgroup analysis of patients with "new" compared to "old" pouches ( £2 years vs. ‡10 years from ileostomy closure) serologic responses remained stable as well.No association was found between serologic status or levels of antibodies and clinical phenotype of the pouch.Conclusion-UC patients after pouch surgery have a 44% prevalence of serologic responses characterizing CD.Serologic status was independent of pouch clinical phenotype and patients' demographics.Serologic status remained generally stable; however ACCA and ALCA levels significantly change over time.This may reflect specific immune responses to glycans that are ongoing after pouch surgery.
ulcerative colitis,antibody,histologic improvement,clinical response,anti-mmp
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