Performance of Coal Fly Ash Stabilized, CaO-based Sorbents under Different Carbonation–Calcination Conditions

ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering(2015)

引用 41|浏览2
The rapid deactivation of CaO sorbents due to sintering currently presents a major barrier to calcium looping for CO2 capture. In this work, we report an easy method for synthesizing highly stable CaO-based sorbents through mechanical mixing of a calcium precursor and coal fly ash (solid waste from coal-fired plants). To investigate the stable performance of as-synthesized sorbents, the effects of calcium precursors and carbonation–calcination conditions were studied and discussed. The synthetic sorbent derived from calcium oxalate (90%CaC2O4-FA-2h) showed the best performance and demonstrated a CO2 uptake of 0.38 g(CO2) g(CaO)−1 after 30 cycles. Even under the most severe calcination condition (at 920 °C in pure CO2), this sorbent maintained a stable capture capacity, with a final CO2 uptake of 0.27 g(CO2) g(CaO)−1 and an average decay rate of only 0.29% per cycle. Characterization of the sorbents confirmed that the formation of dispersed inert phase (gehlenite, Ca2Al2SiO7) was responsible for this high ...
CO2 capture,Calcium looping,Coal fly ash,Calcium precursor,Sintering resistance
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