
Hyperfine and magnetic properties of a Y{sub x}La{sub 1−x}FeO{sub 3} series (0 ≤ x ≤ 1)

Materials Research Bulletin(2015)

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Highlights: • Y{sub x}La{sub 1−x}FeO{sub 3} (0 ≤ x ≤ 1) was synthesized by mechanochemistry. • Two magnetic contributions were identified in the series. • A paramagnetic state is associated with a fraction of the smallest particles. • A ferromagnetic state is attributed to the larger particles. • Annealing of samples favored the formation of Y{sub 3}Fe{sub 5}O{sub 12} impurities. - Abstract: A series of orthoferrites Y{sub x}La{sub 1−x}FeO{sub 3} in the entire range of composition was synthesized at room temperature by mechanochemical activation of oxide mixtures. Phase composition, structure and microstructure of the obtained powder materials were characterized by X-ray diffraction and field-emission scanning electron microscopy. Hyperfine interactions and magnetic properties were determined by Mossbauer spectroscopy, SQUID and vibrating sample magnetometry. Two magnetic contributions could be identified in the series of materials: a paramagnetic state, associated with a fraction of the smallest particles and a ferromagnetic state, attributed to the larger particles. The results showed that the relative proportion of both contributions is very dependent on x, the Y content of samples. From M vs T measurements, it was possible to estimate the blocking temperature distribution for the end members of the series. Annealing of samples produced the eliminationmore » of the superparamagnetic behavior and the formation of Y{sub 3}Fe{sub 5}O{sub 12} impurities.« less
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