Early Holocene sea-level changes in Øresund, southern Scandinavia

Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland Bulletin(2012)

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The Baltic Sea and Kattegat are connected via three straits: Storebaelt, Lillebaelt and Oresund (Fig. 1). Oresund is the shallowest with a threshold around 7 m deep and increasing water depths to the north (Fig. 2). In the early Holocene, global sea-level rise led to reflooding of Oresund. It started in northern Oresund which was transformed into a fjord. However, so far the timing of the transgression has not been well determined, but sediment cores collected north of the threshold, at water depths of 12 to 20 m, and a new series of radiocarbon ages help to constrain this. As the relative sea level continued to rise, the threshold in Oresund was also flooded, and Oresund became a strait. In mid-Holocene time, the relative sea level rose until it was 4–5 m higher than at present, and low-lying areas around Oresund became small fjords. During the late Holocene, the relative sea level fell again. Part of the data set discussed here was presented by Andreasen (2005).
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