
A Paleoproterozoic Mantle Source Modified by Subducted Sediments under the North China Craton

Geochimica et cosmochimica acta(2019)

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Subduction is an effective mechanism for deep recycling of supracrustal rocks and mantle refertilization. However, the timing of the onset of modern-style deep subduction is debated. Here we report geochronogical and geochemical data for an intrusive suite of ultramafic, syenitic and carbonatitic rocks, a carbonatite-hosted peridotite xenolith, and granulites from the Paleoproterozoic Trans-North China orogen in the North China craton (NCC). The xenolith differs in composition from typical cratonic mantle peridotites. It equilibrated at T approximate to 1100 degrees C and P approximate to 29 kbar, i.e. under hotter conditions than cratonic mantle xenoliths worldwide. The carbonatites and associated alkaline rocks were emplaced at 1810 +/- 3 Ma and are related to the Paleoproterozoic collision between the Western and Eastern segments of the NCC. These intrusions show Sr-Nd isotope compositions consistent with an enriched mantle source [(Sr-87/Sr-86)(i) = 0.7027-0.7039; epsilon Nd-(t) = -4 to -6], and contain zircon characterized by unradiogenic Hf isotope compositions [epsilon Hf-(t) = -5 to -9] and high delta O-18(smow) values (7.9-9.5 parts per thousand). In contrast, basement granulites and wall-rock granites are enriched in radiogenic Nd and Hf isotopes, but low in O-18. These differences rule out the possibility of crustal contamination. Our results thus suggest that modern-style plate tectonics dates back at least to the Paleoproterozoic Era, and the post-collisional Paleoproterozoic alkaline magmatism in the NCC tapped mantle sources modified by deep sediment recycling. (C) 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Paleoproterozoic alkaline rocks,Carbonatites,Orogenic belt,Mantle sources,Subducted sediments,Modern plate tectonics
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