
Identification and Characterization of Two New Electronic States of PtF: Analysis of the (2,1), (1,0), (0,0), (0,1), (1,2), and (0,2) Bands of the [15.8 + X] Ω = 5/2 − B 2Δ5/2 Transition

Journal of molecular spectroscopy(2019)

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Several new electronic transitions of PtF have been observed in the high resolution spectra recorded in absorption using Intracavity Laser Spectroscopy (ILS). The PtF molecules were produced in a current-regulated RF discharge operating with 0.30-0.80 A applied to a Pt-lined Cu hollow cathode in 0.50-1.25 Torr of 1-5% SF6 in an Ar/He sputter gas mixture. This hollow cathode was located within the resonator cavity of a tunable DCM dye laser operating over the 14,500-16,500 cm(-1) range, and effective pathlengths of 0.4-2.0 km were utilized with the ILS method. Six band systems were identified as the (2,1), (1,0), (0,0), (0,1), (1,2), and (0,2) bands of the [15.8 + x] Omega = 5/2 - B- 2 Delta(5/2) transition. Spectral features due to (PtF)-Pt-194, (PtF)-Pt-195, (PtF)-Pt-196, and (PtF)-Pt-198 were identified, and the data were fit to mass-independent Dunham-type expressions using PGOPHER. A Pt-isotope field-shift correction to the electronic excitation energy was required to model the observed transitions to within experimental uncertainty. The results of this study indicate that the [0.4]( 2)Delta(5/2) state reported by Ng et al. must be the A(2)Sigma(+)state of PtF, and the experimental findings correspond well with the theoretical predictions of Zou and Suo (2016). (C) 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
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