Microstructure characterization of a novel austenitic ODS steel by transmission electron microscopy


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Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) was applied to study the microstructure and composition of a novel austenitic oxide dispersion strengthened (ODS) steel (16 wt.% Cr, 14 wt.% Ni, 1 wt.% W). Special attention was paid to characterize the dispersed nano-oxide particles. It was found, that these embedded particles have a size distribution ranging from 1 to 70 nm. The particles with sizes up to 20 nm, have a density of ∼1023 m−3, are mainly Y2O3 or Y2Ti2O7. The Y2Ti2O7 particles with size up to 3 nm were found to be fully coherent with the γ-Fe matrix (without defects) with relationships 〈001〉 Y2Ti2O7 II 〈001〉 Fe, 〈111〉 Y2Ti2O7 II 〈111〉 Fe and (110) Y2Ti2O7 II (110) Fe. The larger Y2Ti2O7 were found semi-coherent. Due to the misfit of  ∼6% between the Y2Ti2O7 crystal lattice and the matrix, which have similar FCC structures, misfit dislocations were observed. The Y2O3 particles, having a smaller misfit of ∼2%, but with BCC structure, reveal coherence with the matrix with relationship 〈001〉 Y2O3 II 〈001〉 Fe, 〈111〉 Y2O3 II 〈111〉 Fe, and {110} Y2O3 II {110} Fe. It was observed that different nanoparticles have a tendency to agglomerate which leads to the loss of their coherency. Independent of the sizes and composition, the nano-oxide particles (which are either fully- or semi-coherent) were able to pin dislocations under repulsive interaction which is known to improve mechanical properties.
ODS steel,Austenitic steel,TEM
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