VGG-based BAPL Score Classification of 18F-Florbetaben Amyloid Brain PET

The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic(2018)

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Amyloid brain positron emission tomography (PET) images are visually and subjectively analyzed by the physician with a lot of time and effort to determine the β-Amyloid (Aβ) deposition. We designed a convolutional neural network (CNN) model that predicts the Aβ-positive and Aβ-negative status. We performed 18F-florbetaben (FBB) brain PET on controls and patients (n=176) with mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s Disease (AD). We classified brain PET images visually as per the on the brain amyloid plaque load score. We designed the visual geometry group (VGG16) model for the visual assessment of slice-based samples. To evaluate only the gray matter and not the white matter, gray matter masking (GMM) was applied to the slice-based standard samples. All the performance metrics were higher with GMM than without GMM (accuracy 92.39 vs. 89.60, sensitivity 87.93 vs. 85.76, and specificity 98.94 vs. 95.32). For the patientbased standard, all the performance metrics were almost the same (accuracy 89.78 vs. 89.21), lower (sensitivity 93.97 vs. 99.14), and higher (specificity 81.67 vs. 70.00). The area under curve with the VGG16 model that observed the gray matter region only was slightly higher than the model that observed the whole brain for both slice-based and patient-based decision processes. Amyloid brain PET images can be appropriately analyzed using the CNN model for predicting the Aβ-positive and Aβ-negative status.
Medical Image Analysis,PET/CT
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