
On the Semisimplicity of Reductions and Adelic Openness for 𝐸-rational Compatible Systems over Global Function Fields

Transactions of the American Mathematical Society(2019)

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Let X X be a normal geometrically connected variety over a finite field κ \kappa of characteristic p p . Let ( ρ λ : π 1 ( X ) → GL n ( E λ ) ) λ (\rho _\lambda \colon \pi _1(X)\to \textrm {GL}_n(E_\lambda ) )_\lambda be any semisimple E E -rational compatible system, where E E is a number field and λ \lambda ranges over the finite places of E E not above p p . We derive new properties on the monodromy groups of such systems for almost all λ \lambda and give natural criteria for the corresponding geometric adelic representation to have open image in an appropriate sense. Key inputs to our results are automorphic methods and the Langlands correspondence over global function fields proved by L. Lafforgue. To say more, let ( ρ ¯ λ : π 1 ( X ) → GL n ( k λ ) ) λ (\overline {\rho }_\lambda \colon \pi _1(X)\to \textrm {GL}_n(k_\lambda ) )_\lambda be the corresponding mod- λ \lambda system, where for every λ \lambda by O λ {\mathcal O}_\lambda and k λ k_\lambda we denote the valuation ring and the residue field of E λ E_\lambda , and where the reduction is done with respect to some π 1 ( X ) \pi _1(X) -stable O λ {\mathcal O}_\lambda -lattice Λ λ \Lambda _\lambda of E λ n E_\lambda ^n . Let also G λ g e o G_\lambda ^{\mathrm {geo}} be the Zariski closure of ρ λ ( π 1 ( X κ ¯ ) ) \rho _\lambda (\pi _1(X_{\overline {\kappa }})) in GL n , E \textrm {GL}_{n, E} , and let G λ g e o \mathcal {G}_\lambda ^{\mathrm {geo}} be its schematic closure in Aut O λ ( Λ λ ) \textrm {Aut}_{{\mathcal O}_\lambda }(\Lambda _\lambda ) . Assume in the following that the algebraic groups G λ g e o G_\lambda ^{\mathrm {geo}} are connected. We prove that for almost all λ \lambda the group scheme G λ g e o \mathcal {G}_\lambda ^{\mathrm {geo}} is semisimple over O λ {\mathcal O}_\lambda , and its special fiber agrees with the Nori envelope of ρ ¯ λ ( π 1 ( X κ ¯ ) ) \overline {\rho }_\lambda (\pi _1(X_{\overline {\kappa }})) . A comparable result under different hypotheses was proved by A. Cadoret, C.-Y. Hui, and A. Tamagawa using other methods. As an intermediate result, we show for X X a curve that any potentially tame compatible system of mod- λ \lambda representations can be lifted to a compatible system over a number field; this implies for almost all λ \lambda the semisimplicity of the restriction ρ ¯ λ | π 1 ( X κ ¯ ) \overline {\rho }_\lambda |_{\pi _1(X_{\overline {\kappa }})} . Finally, we establish adelic openness for ( ρ λ | π 1 ( X κ ¯ ) ) λ (\rho _\lambda |_{\pi _1(X_{\overline \kappa })} )_\lambda in the sense of C. Y. Hui and M. Larsen, for E = Q E={\mathbb {Q}} in general, and for E ⊋ Q E\supsetneq {\mathbb {Q}} under additional hypotheses.
Compatible system of Galois representations,adelic openness,hyper-special maximal image for almost all lambda,global function field
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