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Study on Corrosion Effect of High-Performance Concrete under the Action of Sulfate and Chlorine

International journal of modern physics B/International journal of modern physics b(2019)

Cited 6|Views8
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The thickness of corroded concrete layer and the compressive strength of prisms under the action of sulfate and chloride salt were investigated by ultrasonic test and compression test, respectively. The results show that under the single action of sulfate, the strength of concrete experienced two stages: a slow growth stage and a rapid descent stage. Correspondingly, under the combined action of sulfate and chloride, the concrete strength experienced another two stages: a slow growth stage and a slow degradation stage. The existence of chloride inhibited the corrosion damage of concrete in a certain extent. It was found that higher concentration of chlorine salt would lead to a stronger inhibition effect. A good consistency was observed among corrosion layer thickness, compressive strength and X-ray diffraction results. The inhabitation of chloride to the sulfate corrosion of concrete was proved.
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High-performance concrete,compressive strength,corrosion effect
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