AB0823 Patients with connective tissue disease have more anxiety in comparison with patients with other rheumatic diseases


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Background Rheumatic diseases often coexists with psychological disorders. Psychological symptoms not only have a substantial negative impact on the quality of life, but also on the course and outcome of the chronic disorders.1 Objectives Our study was to investigate psychological disorders in Chinese patients with rheumatic diseases and to compare the differences of psychological disorders among different diseases. Methods Patients with rheumatic diseases were enrolled from July to December in 2017 in rheumatology department of the Third Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University. Participants were required to complete a set of questionnaires and examinations, including demographic and clinical information, Zung self-rating anxiety scale (SAS), and Zung self-rating depression scale (SDS). The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software version 21 was used for all data management and analysis. The Mann-Whitney U test and Student’s t test were used to compare patients with different rheumatic diseases and psychological disorders. Stepwise linear multiple regression was used to determine the contributors to SAS and SDS. Results Of all the 153 patients, 49 (32%) were male patients. 14.4% had only primary education, while 32% received education in university. Numbers of the patients were stated as follows. Lupus, 44; rheumatoid arthritis,11; Sjogren’s syndrome, 11; systemic sclerosis, 9; myositis, 7; vasculitis, 6; spondyloarthritis, 9; gout, 10; other diseases 46. Mean age was 37.64±15.23 years. Mean disease duration was 3.78±5.07 years. Mean SAS scores were 43.44±8.51, and mean SDS scores were 46.66±12.43. 35 (22%) of the patients had anxiety, while 6 (3.9%) had moderate anxiety. 50 (32.7%) patients suffered from depression, of which 5 (3.3%) had severe depression, and 13 (8.5%) had moderate depression. Patients with connective tissue diseases had more anxiety (30.5%) than average score (p Conclusions Psychological disorders could concur with rheumatic diseases, especially in connective tissue diseases. Physicians should be aware of psychological status in these patients. Reference [1] Gladis MM, Gosch EA, Dishuk NM, Crits-Christoph P (1999) Quality of life: expanding the scope of clinical significance. J Consult Clin Psychol67:320–331. Acknowledgements None. Disclosure of Interest Y. Jiang: None declared, D. Lin: None declared, P. Zhang: None declared, X. Zhang: None declared, Z. Liao Grant/research support from: National Natural Sciences Foundation of China [grant number 81201372], Y. Pan: None declared, J. Gu Grant/research support from: the 5010 Subject of Sun Yat-sen University (2007023)
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