
FRI0508 Analysis of Risk Factors of Adverse Obstetrical Outcome in Patients with Takayasu Arteritis


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Background Takayasu arteritis (TA) is a large-vessel vasculitis that affects young women of childbearing age. Several small case-series described the pregnancy outcome in TA patients with lack of study determining risk factors associated with adverse pregnancy outcome. Objectives We performed a French retrospective study, to determine the risk factors associated with obstetrical adverse outcome; and the relation between pregnancy outcome and TA disease activity. Methods French nationwide retrospective study of pregnancies that lasted at least 12 weeks of gestation (WG) in TA patients. Results Forty-three pregnancies occurred in 33 patients. The diagnosis of TA was preexisting in 29 patients, and done during pregnancy in 4. For the 39 pregnancies in the 29 patients with a preexisting diagnosis of TA: steroids were maintained throughout pregnancy in 23/39 (59%) with a median dose of 5 mg/day2–40 immunosuppressive treatment during pregnancy included azathioprine (n=9, 21%) or infliximab (TNF-α antagonist) (n=1, 2%). For the 4 pregnancies with TA diagnosis during, only one was treated by steroids. Aspirin (100 mg/day) was used in 27/43 pregnancies (63%) and antihypertensive drugs were used in 10 pregnancies (23%). Before pregnancy, immunosuppressive treatment had been used in 16 patients: azathioprine (n=10, 30%), methotrexate (n=7, 21%), TNF-α antagonist (infliximab in 3 and adalimumab in 1; n=4, 12%) and cyclophosphamide (n=2, 6%). Maternal adverse events were noted in 20 pregnancies (47%). The most frequent adverse event was arterial hypertension (n=12; 28%): 10 worsening of previous arterial hypertension and 2 de novo arterial hypertension. Other adverse events included pre-eclampsia (n=3; 7%), HELLP syndrome (n=1; 2%) and post-partum haemorrhage (n=2; 5%). No maternal death was observed. There were 42 live births (98%) delivered at a median term of 3827–42 WG with 9 (21%) before 37 WG and one medical termination of pregnancy for major IUGR at 21WG. IUGR was observed in 6 pregnancies (14%) associated with hypertension and pre-eclampsia or HELLP syndrome in 2 cases. The median birth weight was 2940 [610–4310] grams. Five children (12%) required intensive care units hospitalisation. One premature boy (27 WG) died after 2 days. Treatment during pregnancy included steroids (n=25/43, 58%), azathioprine (n=9/43; 21%) and infliximab (n=1/43; 2%). Pre-eclampsia were less frequent in patients treated with steroids during pregnancy (p=0.02). The risk of developing arterial hypertension was associated with previous chronic arterial hypertension, and an infra-diaphragmatic vasculitis injury (p=0.01 and p=0.04). Activity of TA was observed in the course of 12/43 pregnancies (28%). Conclusions We observed both a high rate of obstetrical complications and of live birth. A preexisting chronic arterial hypertension, the infra-diaphragmatic location of vasculitis and/or an active disease in the 6 months preceding the pregnancy were associated with an impaired pregnancy outcome. TA disease activity did not seem to be influenced by pregnancy. Disclosure of Interest None declared
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