Education 4.0 - Artificial Intelligence Assisted Higher Education: Early recognition System with Machine Learning to support Students' Success

2018 IEEE 24th International Symposium for Design and Technology in Electronic Packaging​ (SIITME)(2018)

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Education 4.0 is being empowered more and more by artificial intelligence (AI) methods. We observe a continuously growing demand for adaptive and personalized Education. In this paper we present an innovative approach to promoting AI in Education 4.0. Our first contribution is AI assisted Higher Education Process with smart sensors and wearable devices for self-regulated learning. Secondly we describe our first results of Education 4.0 didactic methods implemented with learning analytics and machine learning algorithms. The aim of this case study is to predict the final score of students before participating in final examination. We propose an Early Recognition System equipped with real data captured in a blended learning course with a personalized test at the beginning of the semester, an adaptive learning environment based on Auto Tutor by N. A. Crowder theory with adaptive self-assessment feedback. It is obvious that focusing on students' success and their experiences is a win-win scenario for students and professors as well as for the administration.
Education 4.0,Artificial Intelligence,Early Recognition System,Machine Learning,Self-regulated Learning,Wearable devices,Educational Datamining
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