
Horizontal transfer of prokaryotic cytolethal distending toxin B genes to eukaryotes

Molecular Biology and Evolution(2019)

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Cytolethal distending toxins (CDTs) are tripartite eukaryotic genotoxins encoded in diverse bacterial and phage genomes. The cdtB subunit is a DNAse that causes eukaryotic cell cycle arrest and apoptosis, and in one context, is associated with resistance against parasitoid wasp infections. Here we report the discovery of functional cdtB copies in the nuclear genomes of insect species from two distantly related insect orders, including fruit flies (Diptera: Drosophilidae) and aphids (Hemiptera: Aphididae). Insect cdtB copies are most closely related to bacteriophage copies, were horizontally transferred to insect genomes > 40 million years ago and encode a protein that retains ancestral DNase activity. This phage-derived toxin has been domesticated by diverse insects and we hypothesize that it is used as a defensive weapon against parasitoid wasps. One Sentence Summary We report horizontal transfer of the gene cytolethal distending toxin B , which encodes a DNase, into eukaryotic genomes from bacteriophage. Significance Cytolethal distending toxins (CDTs) are secreted by diverse pathogenic bacterial species to kill animal cells. The cdtB subunit enters cell nuclei, damaging the DNA and leading to mitotic arrest and apoptosis. In the pea aphid, a bacterial endosymbiont provides protection against wasp attack, possibly via cdtB. We discovered that this same endosymbiont-encoded lineage of cdtB was transferred to the genomes of Diptera and Hemiptera species and retains ancestral DNase activity. This is the first report of cdtB outside of bacteria or phages. A toxin that first evolved to kill eukaryotic cells has been co-opted by insects, potentially to their benefit.
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