Cerebellar involvement in learning to balance a cart-pole system


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The role of the cerebellum in error-based motor adaptation is well examined. In contrast, the involvement of the cerebellum in reward-based motor learning is less clear. In this study, we examined cerebellar involvement in a reward-based motor learning task, namely learning to control a virtual cart-pole system, over five consecutive days. Subjects with focal cerebellar lesions were compared to age-matched controls in terms of learning performance and underlying control mechanisms. Based on the overall balancing performance we have identified two subgroups of patients: (1) patients with learning performance comparable to healthy controls and (2) patients with decelerated learning, unsaturated learning progress after five days and decreased inter-manual transfer. Furthermore, we found that online learning is impaired while offline learning is partly preserved in cerebellar subjects. Regarding control mechanisms, decreased control performance was associated with impairments in predictive action timing. Voxel-wise lesion symptom mapping based on the two subgroups revealed strong associations between impairments in controlling the virtual cart-pole system and lesions in intermediate and lateral parts of lobules V and VI. These results together with previous reports suggest that the ability to predict the dynamics of the cart-pole system is an important factor for the reward-based skill acquisition process.
motor learning,movement timing,cerebellum,lesion symptom mapping
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