Optimizing Outcomes of Treatment Resistant Depression in Older Adults (OPTIMUM): Study Design and Treatment Characteristics of the First 396 Participants Randomized

The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry(2019)

引用 40|浏览20
•What is the primary question addressed by this study? OPTIMUM is a pragmatic clinical trial evaluating the safety and effectiveness of augmentation versus switch antidepressant strategies in older adults with treatment resistant depression.•What is the main finding of this study? In this submission, we present the study design, methodology and processes for stakeholder engagement of this pragmatic trial. We reflect on early challenges and creative solutions in the conduction the study involving 1) recruitment, 2) Increasing use of polypharmacy by depressed older adults, resulting in potentially hazardous scenarios, 3) reporting of adverse events and standardization of procedures and 4) dissemination of study results.•What is the meaning of the finding? The methods presented and rationale for study design, including early involvement of stake holders; as well as the challenges and solutions implemented in the early stages of the trial, contribute to inform on methodological and procedural choices for future pragmatic studies in older adults with depression.
Depression,treatment-resistant depression,older adults,antidepressants,pragmatic trial,augmentation
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