
Care for Children with Severe Chronic Skin Diseases.

European journal of pediatrics(2019)

引用 8|浏览32
In this study, the care for children with a severe chronic skin disease in our national expert center of pediatric dermatology was evaluated. Patients and their parents were questioned by using existing questionnaires: 50 pediatric patients completed the modified “my positive health” questionnaire of Huber and 51 parents completed Pelentsov parental needs scale. Nineteen involved professionals answered a questionnaire with open boxes. Parents of children with a variety of chronic skin diseases and young adult patients were interviewed to find out what an optimal approach would look like according to them. Children with a severe chronic and/or congenital skin disorder score high on the “my positive health” questionnaire, indicating they are able to adapt and self-manage. Their highest median score was measured for the dimension “quality of life.” Their parents expect improvement of “working with health care professionals,” more specifically they want them to adopt a more holistic approach throughout the patient’s life. Structured interviews showed they expect that a multidisciplinary team of care providers determine together with the patient and its family—in advance—which care is needed, at what time and by whom. The interviewed professionals indicated adoption of a holistic multidisciplinary approach as the single largest improvement to achieve better care. Conclusion: Although these children with a severe chronic and/or congenital skin disease were able to adapt and self-manage, they need a more personalized integrative multidisciplinary and systematic transmural approach covering all aspects of life during their lifetime.
Pediatric dermatology,Severe congenital skin disorders,Multidisciplinary approach,Evaluation of care,Quality of life
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