
Pericytes in Sarcomas and Other Mesenchymal Tumors.

Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology Pericyte Biology in Disease(2019)

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Tumors of mesenchymal origin are a diverse group, with > 130 distinct entities currently recognized by the World Health Organization. A subset of mesenchymal tumors grow or invade in a perivascular fashion, and their potential relationship to pericytes is a matter of ongoing interest. In fact, multiple intersections exist between pericytes and tumors of mesenchymal origin. First, pericytes are the likely cell of origin for a group of mesenchymal tumors with a common perivascular growth pattern. These primarily benign tumors grow in a perivascular fashion and diffusely express canonical pericyte markers such as CD146, smooth muscle actin (SMA), platelet-derived growth factor receptor beta (PDGFR-beta), and RGS5. These benign tumors include glomus tumor, myopericytoma, angioleiomyoma, and myofibroma. Second and as suggested by animal models, pericytes may give rise to malignant sarcomas. This is not a suggestion that all sarcomas within a certain subtype arise from pericytes, but that genetic modifications within a pericyte cell type may give rise to sarcomas. Third, mesenchymal tumors that are likely not a pericyte derivative co-opt pericyte markers in certain contexts. These include the PEComa family of tumors and liposarcoma. Fourth and finally, as "guardians" that enwrap the microvasculature, nonneoplastic pericytes may be important in sarcoma disease progression.
Pericyte,Mural cell,Glomus tumor,Myopericytoma,Angioleiomyoma,Myofibroma,Sarcoma,Liposarcoma,Angiomyolipoma,PEComa,Perivascular epithelioid cell tumor,Pericyte mimicry,Extravascular migratory metastasis
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