
Cost-effectiveness of Rituximab Versus Azathioprine for Maintenance Treatment in Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibody-Associated Vasculitis.

A. Montante,A. Le Bras,C. Pagnoux,E. Perrodeau,P. Ravaud, B. Terrier,L. Guillevin,I. Durand-Zaleski, Olivier Aumaitre, Denis Bagneres, Christelle Barbet, Edouard Begon, Anne-Berangere Beucher, Claire Blanchard-Delaunay, Frederique Bocquentin, Bernard Bonnotte, Ali Boumallassa, Matthias Buchler, Pierre-Louis Carron, Pierre Charles, Dominique Chauveau, Eric Daugas, Olivier Decaux, Isabelle Delacroix, Xavier Delbrel, Aurelien Delluc, Helene Desmurs-Clavel, Maize Ducret, Marc Fabre, Helene Francois, Marie Frimat, Martine Gayraud, Marie-Helene Girard-Madoux, Pierre Gobert, Pascal Godmer, Guillaume Gondran, Frederic Grassin, Isabelle Guichard, Mohamed Hamidou, Catherine Hanrotel-Saliou, Pierre-Yves Hatron, Maryvonne Hourmant, Alexandre Karras, Chalera Khouatra, Abdeljallil Koreichi, Laure Lahaxe, David Launay, Nicolas Limal, Isabelle Marie, Francois Maurier, Roderick Meckenstock, Myriam Niel-Duriez, Yann Ollivier, Thomas Papo, Serge Perrot, Vincent Poindron, Xavier Puechal, Thomas Quemeneur, Alain Ramassamy, Virginie Rieu, Serge Seiberras, Raphaele Seror, Jean-Francois Viallard, Laurence Vrigneaud, Benoit Wallaert, Ursula Warzocha


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OBJECTIVES:Rituximab was proven superior to azathioprine for maintenance treatment of antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA)-associated vasculitis (AAV). The high cost of rituximab might, however, limit its routine use. This study determined the cost-effectiveness of intravenous rituximab (5 x 500 mg until month 18), versus oral azathioprine (2 mg/kg per day, gradually decreased between month 12 and 22), for maintenance treatment of patients with granulomatosis with polyangiitis, microscopic polyangiitis, or renal-limited vasculitis, aged 18-75.METHODS:We performed a single-trial based economic evaluation. MAINRITSAN was a 28-month multicentre, prospective, randomised, controlled open-label trial. We estimated the cost of healthcare resources and quality of life using prospectively collected data. Healthcare costs were estimated from the perspective of the French Social Health Insurance's perspective, using 2016 tariffs for reimbursement. Utilities were derived from Short Form 36 scores. We estimated total average cost, incremental cost per incremental relapse averted and per quality-adjusted life-year (QALY) gained. Sensitivity analyses were performed to assess uncertainty over relapses, severe adverse events, discount rate, utility weights, time horizon and the cost of rituximab. Costs drivers were tested using a generalised linear model.RESULTS:Total average costs were €13,387 (€11,605-€15,646) and €10,217 (€7,567-12,949) in the rituximab and azathioprine groups respectively. The incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) was €12,824 per relapse averted and the incremental cost-utility ratio (ICUR) €37,782 per QALY gained. Besides the unit cost of rituximab, the major cost drivers were relapses and severe adverse events.CONCLUSIONS:Maintenance treatment by rituximab could be cost-effective for preventing relapses in patients with AAV.
anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-associated vasculitis/drug therapy,rituximab,cost-benefit analysis,health care costs,quality-adjusted life years
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