Programs in the Palm of your Hand: How Live Programming Shapes Children's Interactions with Physical Computing Devices

Proceedings of the 18th ACM International Conference on Interaction Design and Children(2019)

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As physical computing devices proliferate, researchers and educators push to make them more engaging to learners. One approach is to make the act of programming them more interactive and responsive via live programming so that program edits are immediately reflected in the behavior of the physical device. To understand the impact of live programming on interactions with physical computing devices, we conducted a comparative study where children ages 11-15 programmed a BBC micro:bit device using either the MicroBlocks live programming environment or MakeCode, the micro:bit default environment. Results show that MicroBlocks users spent more time interacting directly with the physical device while showing different patterns of interaction compared to MakeCode users. We also found variations in the differences between environments related to activity structures. This paper contributes to the growing body of literature on how the design of interfaces---like programming environments---for physical computing devices shapes emerging interaction patterns.
Children, Interaction Design, Live Programming, Physical Computing Kits
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