Privacy-preserving cloud-IoT architecture

Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Mobile Software Engineering and Systems(2019)

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When users pay for services with their personal data, we recognise the data is valuable resource. Unfortunately, in most current systems, users are given an all-or-nothing choice; if they accept the service conditions, they agree to share their data, otherwise they cannot get any services. Moreover, if they accept the condition to disclose thier data, they are often have no direct control over how their data is used and shared to third parties. The situation is exacerbated by the advent of the Internet of Things (IoT), which permits huge amount of personal data to be collected by devices and transmitted to cloud servers. As a consequence, there is a clear need to develop a Cloud-IoT infrastructures to allow users to control over their data, and to allow users to define the level of trade-off between privacy and benefits. For this, we propose an cloud-IoT architecture, called Data Bank, which permit users to customise data collection and access control policies which suit their privacy need. However, many challenges remain. We, therefore, give a guideline for implementation and highlight technical challenges and open problems.
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