
Piloting a Breastfeeding-Friendly Provider's Office Protocol at a Private Obstetrical Clinic [24E]

Obstetrics and gynecology (New York 1953 Online)/Obstetrics and gynecology(2019)

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INTRODUCTION: Extended breastfeeding rates among all demographics remain lower than national recommendations. The overall objective of this study was to pilot a “Breastfeeding-Friendly Provider's Office Protocol” at a private obstetrical clinic, and to examine breastfeeding outcomes. METHODS: Components of the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine (ABM) Breastfeeding-Friendly Provider's Office Protocol were implemented at a single clinic, which included: adopting a breastfeeding-friendly office policy, displaying positive images of breastfeeding and signs of support, standardizing breastfeeding education, and providing a breast pump prescription. Breastfeeding rates prior to and after protocol implementation were assessed via hospital data. Patients were invited to complete electronic surveys regarding breastfeeding support after attending the six week postpartum visit. IRB committee approval was obtained for this study. RESULTS: Maternal preference for exclusive breastfeeding increased from 71.9% to 86% (N=128). Breastfeeding at hospital discharge increased from 74.7% to 84.8%, and at the six week postpartum visit increased from 88.2% to 100%. During the intervention, most patients received education packets (82.8%, 106/128) and breastfeeding pump prescriptions (84.4%, 107/128). Sixty-four patients completed the survey, of which 34% (22/64) were first-time mothers, and average infant age was 9.6 weeks. Breastfeeding initiation was self-reported at 98% (63/64). At the time of postpartum survey, 90% (56/58) reported continued breastfeeding. Five patients (7.8%) reported the need for more breastfeeding information. CONCLUSION: Implementing a Breastfeeding-Friendly Provider's Office Protocol at a private obstetrical clinic improved maternal preference for exclusive breastfeeding, breastfeeding at hospital discharge and six weeks postpartum. There continues to be a desire for more breastfeeding information during the postpartum period.
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