Implicit Discourse Relation Classification with Syntax-Aware Contextualized Word Representations
The Florida AI Research Society(2019)
Automatically identifying implicit discourse relations requires an in-depth semantic understanding of the text fragments involved in such relations. While early work investigated the usefulness of different classes of input features, current state-of-the-art models mostly rely on standard pretrained word embeddings to model the arguments of a discourse relation. In this paper, we introduce a method to compute contextualized representations of words, leveraging information from the sentence dependency parse, to improve argument representation. The resulting token embeddings encode the structure of the sentence from a dependency point of view in their representations. Experimental results show that the proposed representations achieve state-of-the-art results when input to standard neural network architectures, surpassing complex models that use additional data and consider the interaction between arguments.
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Word Representation,Syntax-based Translation Models,Language Modeling,Topic Modeling,Dependency Parsing
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