Pushing the Limits of Importance Sampling through Iterative Moment Matching

Paananen Topi,Piironen Juho, Bürkner Paul-Christian,Vehtari Aki


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The accuracy of an integral approximation via Monte Carlo sampling depends on the distribution of the integrand and the existence of its moments. In importance sampling, the choice of the proposal distribution markedly affects the existence of these moments and thus the accuracy of the obtained integral approximation. In this work, we present a method for improving the proposal distribution that applies to complicated distributions which are not available in closed form. The method iteratively matches the moments of a sample from the proposal distribution to their importance weighted moments, and is applicable to both standard importance sampling and self-normalized importance sampling. We apply the method to Bayesian leave-one-out cross-validation and show that it can significantly improve the accuracy of model assessment compared to regular Monte Carlo sampling or importance sampling when there are influential observations. We also propose a diagnostic method that can estimate the convergence rate of any Monte Carlo estimator from a finite random sample.
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