
Branched-Chain Fatty Acid Content Modulates Structure, Fluidity, and Phase in Model Microbial Cell Membranes

˜The œjournal of physical chemistry B(2019)

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Recent progress in understanding the importance and origins of lipid rafts in microbial cell membranes has focused attention on membranes containing branched-chain fatty acids. The working hypothesis is that branched fatty acids increase the fluidity of the bilayer, analogous to unsaturated fatty acids in membranes of higher organisms. Here, we perform a series of 7 μs long atomistic simulations on biomimetic, branched-chain lipid containing bilayer patches, systematically varying the amount of the straight-chain fatty acid component, n16:0, from 7.0 to 47.3 mol %. The simulations reveal thickening and ordering of the bilayer as well as higher bilayer viscosity and bending modulus with increasing n16:0 content, thus providing quantitative support that branched fatty acids increase the bilayer fluidity. A sharp transition in these properties is observed at ∼20% n16:0 content, resembling a phase change. The simulations provide the first access to ordered and disordered phases in a bacterial cell membrane mimic containing branched-chain lipids. Granted several assumptions, a comparison of these phases provides estimates of physical properties such as hydrophobic mismatch (∼1.2 Å), difference in bending moduli (∼15.7 kBT), and the line tension (∼0.6 pN) for a putative lipid raft in the cell membrane of an organism such as Bacillus subtilis or Staphylococcus aureus.
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